
These are some thoughts; sometimes they're mine.

I've loved Stephen Fry for as long as I could love anything. I was raised on A Bit of Fry and Laurie and Black Adder. Kingdom, his various audio books, and especially his interviews and public appearances are magical. Whenever I (re-)read a book of his I imagine it in his voice; I can't do otherwise.


Because I'm new to server provisioning and to self-hosting, I've elected to use Yunohost to serve my single-person fediverse instance. It also serves this blog and a few other things. It's only been a couple of weeks, but it's been lovely so far and the documentation is excellent.


  1. Pseudo-documentation and notes of my experiences with various *nix tools and other somewhat tech-y things. These are mostly for my own records but I'll post them publicly since perhaps they will be useful to others.
  2. Random longer-form writing that doesn't fit neatly into how I use my fediverse account.
  3. Some as-yet unknown third thing. Lists without three things seem like bad luck.

It occurs to me that my 20-year-old concerns of having a blog—that it would be boring to read, boring to write, and somewhat purposeless—were prescient.

Like any good knight of the round I must 'enter the forest at the darkest part'; in this case it perhaps means getting over myself.

All posts CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 or later, unless otherwise stated.